The Drillz Press-Office is open DAILY! For SUPER-RECENT broadcasting, check our Discord or Twitter and hit us with your Questions about the Project!
Find selected media about the Mandrillz Project here!
The Mandrillz on JETPLANE
The Mandrillz has become one of the most successful art based #cardanonft projects. In this episode of the #cnft 10 Minute Rapid Fire, you’ll hear the background story of how The Mandrillz began their journey, how they got traction and what’s in store for 2023.
The Mandrillz on CardanoThor
CardanoThor is a Cardano and CNFT investor and looking at the most exciting projects and trends in the world of Cardano Non-fungible Tokens.
The Mandrillz on Freedom 35ers
“This week we’re joined by The Mandrillz! BROOAAR! The biggest sporting event ever is happening RIGHT NOW ⚽ The Mandrillz are celebrating with World Cup NFTs to Collect, Trade & Represent Your Favorite Teams! We’ll be going through all the details for the event and how you can win a free card pack! We’ll also be going through some of the Top Cardano NFTs in the space. So come hang out for a fun-filled night of CNFTs 🚀”
The Mandrillz on RAQOON.IO
“The Mandrillz is a project that was carefully launched and by a transparent team with a lot of experience. Consequently, the artwork and website are of top quality. Also, their approach to bring members from other chains and unite them into one big community is truly respected. […]” Read more…
The Mandrillz on CNFTWORLD.IO
“With some very cool and interesting looking artwork and a focus on community building The Mandrillz look a very interesting project.[…]” Read more…